
新博A+文化艺术中心-冠亚凯旋门分校:新博A+已成立4周年,现有3个校区,专业辅导学生课内外作业及教授文化艺术课,以为广大学生提供更多的优质教育资源和服务为己任,现已开设多种课程:英语班(幼儿英语、少儿英语、初高中英语),乐高班(正版教具),其他文化班(硬笔班、美术班、作文班、奥数班、珠心算班、课后作业辅导班)。 新博A+,给您A+的服务,让孩子有A+的表现,A+的成绩! A+ English International Education Culture and Arts Centre: We are Professional in tutoring students English, the culture andarts. It is our duty to provide high-quality educational resources and services to our students. There are many kinds of courses: such as Children’s English, preparatory English for the middle school, preparatory classes for the kids who will go to primary school, and the Culture and arts Classes (Hard Writing, Fine Arts, Composition, Olympic Math). A+ English International Education Culture and Arts Centergive you A+ service, let your child have A+ performance, A+ mark !

公司网址:https://7534.qzrencai.com/ 幼儿英语教师
foreign teacher

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